Ranchero Benedict

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Zutaten für 4 Portionen
  • Jalapeno Corn Muffin
  • 1 Tasse(n) Maismehl, self rising
  • 1 TL Kosher Salz
  • 1 Stück Ei(er), geschlagen
  • 0.25 Tasse(n) Pflanzenöl
  • 1 Tasse(n) QimiQ Sahne-Basis
  • 2 Stück Jalapenos, fein gewürfelt
  • 0.5 Tasse(n) Queso Melt - Block
  • Black Bean Cake
  • 4 EL EVOO
  • 0.5 g gelbe Zwiebel(n), gehackt
  • 2 TL Knoblauch, gehackt
  • 0.25 Tasse(n) AP Flour
  • 10 OZ Schwarze Bohnen
  • 1 TL Kreuzkümmel
  • 0.5 TL Kosher Salz
  • 0.5 TL Schwarzer Pfeffer
  • 0.25 TL Mexikanischer Oregano
  • 1 TL Paprikapulver, geräuchert
  • 1 tbl Hot Sauce
  • 1 EL Koriander, frisch, gewürfelt
  • 1 EL Petersilie, getrocknet
  • 0.25 Tasse(n) QimiQ Classic
  • 4 Stück Ei(er), groß
  • Chipotle Hollandaise
  • 150 GR QimiQ Sahne-Basis
  • 1 Stück Eigelb
  • 70 ml Weißwein
  • 1 Stück Zitronensaft
  • 400 GR Geklärte Butter
  • 1 Stück Chipotle peppers, small can, püriert
  • 1 Stück Ei(er), pochiert

Jalapeno Corn Muffin

1) Preheat the oven to 400° F.

2) In a bowl, add Egg, Vegetable Oil, QimIQ Sauce Base & Jalapenos - Mix completely.

3) Mix in the cornmeal and mix till smooth - Fold in the Queso Melt.

4) Place evenly in the muffin tins and bake for 20 minutes.

5) Trim to have a float top and bottom.


Black Bean Cake

1) In a sauce pan, add the EVOO, Yellow Onion & Garlic - Cook till translucent.

2) Add the Black Beans, Cumin, Kosher Salt, Black Pepper, Mexican Oregano, Smoked Pparika & Hot Sauce - Cook till the flavors are blended.

3) Wish the QimiQ Classic till smooth - Add the Eggs - add the Black Beans - Blend smooth.

4) Fold in the Cilantro & Parsley - Scoop 2oz onto a flattop.

5) Sear on a flattop, a till warm through, and a golden-brown crust.


Chipotle Hollandaise

1) Blend the sauce base smooth with the egg yolks, white hine, and lemon juice.

2) Slowly add the warmed clarified butter.

3) Season as needed.

4) Strain to remove and clumps.

5) Add the chipotle pepper and blend. Leave some chunky.