
einfach &schnell


QimiQ Vorteile

  • Quick and easy preparation

  • Longer presentation times without loss of quality

  • 100% natural, contains no preservatives, additives or emulsifiers







Für 1 Portion

  • Profiteroles

  • 2Tasse(n)


  • 8OZ

    Butter, ungesalzen

  • 1TL

    Kosher Salz

  • 2Tasse(n)

    AP Flour

  • 8Stück

    Ei(er), groß

  • Chocolate Mousse

  • 1Tasse(n)

    QimiQ Classic

  • 2Tasse(n)

    Schlagobers 36 % Fett

  • 1Tasse(n)

    dunkle Schokolade 70 % Kakaoanteil, geschmolzen

  • Chocolate Ganash

  • 1Tasse(n)

    dunkle Schokolade 70 % Kakaoanteil

  • 1Tasse(n)

    Schlagobers 36 % Fett

  • Caramel

  • 1Tasse(n)


  • 2Tasse(n)



  1. Profiteroles:

    1) Preheat oven to 425˚.

    2) In a sauce pan, bring water, butter & salt to a boil.

    3) Take off the heat – Add the flour while stirring until fully incorporated.

    4) Return to the heat and slowly stir to evaporate the remaining moisture.

    5) Add the mix into a mixer.

    6) Set to medium speed and add the eggs one at a time till smooth.

    7) Place the mix into a piping bag – Pipe large marble-sized dollops.

    8) Bake for 15 minutes, then reduce to 350˚ for an additional 20 minutes.

    9) Allow to fully cool.

  2. Chocolate Mousse:

    1) Whip the QimiQ Classic smooth.

    2) Add the cream and chocolate – whisk till smooth.

    3) Add to a piping bag with an injection tip.

    4) Fill each pofiterole with the mousse.

  3. Caramel:

    1) In a sauce pan, add the sugar and the water.

    2) Cook to the sugar and water till it becomes dark amber.

    3) Use a dollop of the carmel to be the glue for the profiteroles.

    4) Keep warm and drizzle once the mixture begins to cool.

  4. Chocolate Ganash:

    1) Warm the cream to a scald.

    2) Pour the cream in with the chocolate and blend till smooth.

    3) Drizzle over the tower.

Some doughy looking food

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