Mushroom and Ricotta Lasagna

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Zutaten für 4 Portionen
  • Mushrooms
  • 4 LB Gemischte Pilze, fein gehackt
  • 1 EL Knoblauch, gehackt
  • 1 EL Schalotte(n), gehackt
  • 1 TL Thymian, gehackt
  • 1 EL Trüffelöl
  • 0.3 Tasse(n) Weißwein
  • 1 TL Kosher Salz
  • 1 TL Schwarzer Pfeffer
  • Gruyere Bechamel
  • 4 OZ Butter, ungesalzen
  • 0.3 Tasse(n) AP Flour
  • 2 TL Knoblauch, fein gehackt
  • 1 Tasse(n) QimiQ Sahne-Basis
  • 4 Tasse(n) Vollmilch
  • 3 Tasse(n) Schellen Bell Alpine Swiss
  • 0.25 TL Cayennepfeffer
  • 0.25 Muskatnuss
  • 1 TL Weißer Pfeffer
  • 1 TL Kosher Salz
  • Herb Tomato Sauce
  • 1 EL Knoblauch, gehackt
  • 1 Stück Weiße Zwiebel(n), gehackt
  • 2 TL Olivenöl
  • 28 OZ San Marzano Tomato DOP, zerdrückt
  • 1 TL Chiliflocken
  • 4 OZ QimiQ Sahne-Basis
  • 0.5 Tasse(n) Rotwein
  • 0.25 Tasse(n) Basilikum
  • 1 EL Oregano
  • 2 TL Estragon
  • 1 TL Thymian
  • Lasagna
  • 24 Stück Lasagneblätter
  • 16 OZ Whole Milk Ricotta
  • 8 OZ Parmesan, gerieben


1) In a pan, add the Butter till melted.

2) Add the Garlic and Shallots – Cook till translucent.

3) Add the Mushrooms and sautee till brown.

4) Add the White Wine and reduce by half.

5) Add the Thyme, Salt, and Pepper and continue to cook till the liquid is fully reduced.



1) In a pan, add the Butter and garlic – Sautee till translucent.

2) Add the Flour and mix till bound and thickened.

3) Add the Whole Milk and QimiQ Sauce Base - whisk till smooth slowly.

4) Add Cayenne, White Pepper, Kosher Salt, and Nutmeg – Allow simmering.

5) Whisk in the cheese till smooth.



1) In a saute pan, add Olive Oil, Onion & Garlic – Sweat till translucent.

2) Add the Chili Flake till toasted.

3) Deglazed with the Red Wine and reduced by half.

4) Add the Tomatoes and QimiQ Sauce Base – Allow to simmer for 15 Minutes.

5) Add all the Herbs and season lightly – simmer for 1 ½ hour.

6) Adjust seasoning as needed.



1) In the dish, build the stack

a.Thin layerTomato Sauce

b. Pasta sheets

c. Tomato Sauce

d. Mushrooms

e. Bechamel Sauce

f. Smear evenly

g. Ricotta

h. Repeat twice

i.Top with Parmesan

2) Allow resting for 2 hours

3) Bake at 350˚ for 30-40 Minutes