Fried Apple Dumplings

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Zutaten für 2 Portionen
  • 10 OZ QimiQ Classic, glatt gerührt
  • 4 OZ Apfelsaft
  • 4 EA Eigelb
  • 8 OZ AP Flour
  • 1 TL Zimt
  • 1 TL Kosher Salz
  • 1 EL Zitronenzeste(n), frisch
  • 4 EA Eiweiß
  • 3 OZ Kristallzucker
  • 22 OZ Granny Smith Äpfel, klein gewürfelt
  • 8 Tasse(n) Weißbrot, gewürfelt
  • 0.25 Tasse(n) Staubzucker

In a bowl, add the QimiQ Classic, Apple Juice, Egg Yolks, Cinnamon, Flour, Salt, Lemon Zest – Whisk until smooth.


Whisk the Egg Whites to a stiff peak – add the Apples, Bread, Egg Whites to the batter.


Allow resting in the fridge for at least 30 Minutes.


Scoop the batter and fry at 350 until golden brown – test with a toothpick till it comes out clean.


Top with a dusting of Powdered Sugar.