Filled Chicken Roulade wrapped in Proscuitto

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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • 135 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 400 g Chicken breast fillet, minced
  • 150 g Whole egg(s)
  • 15 g Dry vermouth
  • 25 g Dry white wine
  • 9 g Salt
  • 3 g White pepper, ground
  • 1300 g Chicken breast fillet
  • 185 g Prosciutto Crudo ham, sliced
  • 15 g Truffle peelings, finely sliced
  • 3 g Chives, finely sliced
  • 10 g Red pepper(s)
  • 150 g Green asparagus
For the forcemeat: mix the ground chicken breast, QimiQ Sauce Base, eggs, dry vermouth and white wine together well. Season to taste and set aside.
For the roulade: trim the chicken breast and flatten. Season both sides and set aside.
Fire roast the bell peppers and peel. Slice into strips and set aside.
Fold the truffle peelings and chives into the forcemeat. Season and cook a small sample, taste and adjust seasoning as needed.
Place the flattened chicken breast onto a sheet of plastic foil. Top the chicken breast with a thin layer of the forcemeat, followed by the sliced Proscuitto. Place another sheet of plastic foil on top and turn the chicken breast over so that the ham layer is on the bottom.
Place a thicker layer of the forcemeat onto the chicken breast, followed by the asparagus and pepper strips arranged nicely.
Using the plastic film, pinwheel the chicken roulade and tie with the butchers twine to secure. Close each end. Chill in the foil overnight.
Remove the plastic foil and cook on a rack until the desired core temperature is reached. Allow to rest for 10 minutes before slicing.