Fromage Blanc Cream

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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • 20 Sponge base discs (Ø of glass)
  • For the fromage blanc cream
  • 150 g QimiQ Whip Pastry Cream, chilled
  • 75 g QimiQ Classic
  • 90 g Granulated sugar
  • 240 g Fromage Blanc
  • 30 ml Lemon juice
  • For the red fruit compote
  • 450 g Red fruit compote
  • 150 g Granulated sugar
  • 20 ml Lemon juice
For the cream, lightly whip the cold QimiQ Whip, QimiQ Classic, sugar and fromage blanc until completely smooth, ensuring that the entire mixture is incorporated (including bottom and sides of bowl).
Add the lemon juice and continue to whip until the required volume has been achieved.
For the compote, place the ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil. Cook for 20 minutes and chill well.
To assemble, place a sponge disc in the bottom of the verrine glass. Top with a little compote followed by a second disc and a further layer of compote and chill. Fill the remaining glass with the fromage blanc cream, decorate and serve.