
easy &quick

Vanilla Poppy Seed Gateau

QimiQ Benefits

  • Creamy indulgent taste with less fat
  • Quick and easy preparation
  • Prevents moisture migration, pastry remains fresh and dry for longer
  • Longer presentation times without loss of quality





Vanilla Poppy Seed Gateau
Vanilla Poppy Seed Gateau


For 12 portions, 26 cm Ø springform cake tin

  • For the sponge base

  • 180g


  • 60g

    Powdered sugar

  • 6

    Egg yolk(s)

  • 6

    Egg white(s)

  • 150g


  • 270g

    Poppy seeds

  • 110g

    Hazelnuts, ground

  • 1sachet(s)

    Vanilla sugar

  • Cinnamon

  • pinch(es)


  • g

    Butter, for the baking tin

  • Powdered sugar, to dust

  • For the filling

  • 125g

    QimiQ Classic Vanilla, unchilled

  • 1tbsp


  • 125ml

    Cream 36 % fat, whipped


  1. Preheat the oven to 180° C (conventional oven).
  2. For the sponge base: whisk the butter and icing sugar until fluffy. Gradually add the egg yolks.

  3. Whisk the egg whites and sugar until stiff and fold into the butter mixture.
  4. Add the poppy seeds, hazelnuts, vanilla sugar, cinnamon and salt and mix well.
  5. Pour into a greased cake tin and bake in the middle of the preheated oven for approx. 40 minutes. Allow to cool.
  6. For the filling: whisk the QimiQ Classic Vanilla smooth.

  7. Add the honey and mix well.
  8. Carefully fold in the whipped cream.
  9. Halve the base horizontally and sandwich back together with the cream.
  10. Chill for at least 4 hours (preferably over night).
  11. Dust with icing sugar to serve.


  • The QimiQ Classic Vanilla can be replaced by QimiQ Classic Original and vanilla sugar / essence.
Some doughy looking food

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