Gorgonzola Cream Dressing

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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • 175 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 150 g Sour cream 20 % fat
  • 75 g Buttermilk
  • 75 g Olive oil
  • 20 g Lemon juice
  • 20 g Red wine vinegar
  • 10 g Garlic, minced
  • 10 g Pine nuts, toasted
  • 3 g Chives, finely chopped
  • 1.5 g Flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
  • 1.5 g Thyme, finely chopped
  • 100 g Gorgonzola, crumbled
  • Salt and pepper
In a food processor whisk QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the sour cream, buttermilk, olive oil, lemon juice, red wine vinegar, garlic, pine nuts and mix well.
Fold in the chives, parsley, thyme, and gorgonzola, mix well. Season to taste.