Baked Macaroni Dish with Sheep`s Cheese, Yoghurt and Herb Dip

Main Dishes

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Ingredients for 6 portions
  • For the baked dish
  • 500 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 200 g Macaroni
  • 500 g Minced meat
  • 2 Onion(s), finely sliced
  • 100 g Tomato paste
  • 100 g Sheep’s cheese, grated
  • 200 g Natural yoghurt
  • 2 tbsp Corn flour / starch
  • 40 ml Olive oil
  • 2 Garlic clove(s), finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp Oregano, fresh
  • Salt and pepper
  • 100 g Leek, finely sliced
  • 4 Tomato(es), diced
  • 50 g Green olives, chopped
  • 50 g Black olives, chopped
  • 100 g Sheep’s cheese, grated
  • Butter, for the baking tin
  • For the herb dip
  • 250 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 200 g Natural yoghurt
  • 20 ml Olive oil
  • 1 tsp Mixed herbs, frozen
  • Salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 160 °C (conventional oven).
For the baked dish: cook the macaroni al dente.
Fry the minced meat and onion and add the tomato puree.
Whisk the unchilled QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the sheep´s cheese, yoghurt, corn flour, oil, garlic and oregano and mix well. Season to taste with salt and pepper and add the cooked macaroni.
Pour half of the mixture into the greased baking dish and cover with the fried minced meat.
Arrange the leek, tomato and olives over the minced meat and cover with the remaining macaroni.
Cover and bake in the preheated oven for approx. 50 minutes.
Uncover, sprinkle with the sheeps cheese and bake with increased top heat for a further 5 minutes.
For the herb dip: whisk the unchilled QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Season to taste with salt and pepper.