Smoked Salmon Waffles

Appetizer, Snacks, Breakfast and Brunch

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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • 250 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 100 g Butter, softened
  • 3 Egg yolk(s)
  • 1 tbsp Sherry
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 3 Egg white(s)
  • 1 pinch(es) Salt
  • 100 g Flour
  • 200 g Smoked salmon, sliced
  • Butter
Whisk the butter and egg yolks until fluffy. Add the QimiQ Sauce Base, sherry, olive oil and half of the flour and mix well.
Whisk the egg whites and salt until stiff. Fold in the remaining flour.
Heat the waffle iron and brush with butter. Make the waffles.
Allow the waffles to cool side by side on a grid (to prevent them from turning soggy).
Serve the waffles with the smoked salmon.