Potato Gnocci with Sage and Parmesan Sauce

Main Dishes without Meat

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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • 500 g Gnocchi [small potato dumplings]
  • For the sauce
  • 250 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 150 ml Milk
  • 125 ml Vegetable stock
  • 100 g Parmesan, grated
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 tbsp Sage leaves, finely chopped
  • Sage leaves, to decorate
For the sauce: bring the milk and stock to the boil. Mix together the QimiQ Sauce Base and Parmesan, stir into the liquid and bring back to the boil. Season with salt and pepper.
Cook the Gnocci according to the instructions on the packet. Drain and add to the sauce.
To serve, add the chopped sage to the sauce, arrange on a plate and garnish with sage leaves.