Beetroot soup with Horseradish Dumplings


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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • For the soup
  • 250 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 50 g Onion(s), finely chopped
  • 1 tsp Olive oil
  • 750 ml Vegetable stock
  • 300 g Beetroot(s), peeled, diced
  • 4 tbsp Red wine vinegar
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 small pinch(es) Cumin, ground
  • 1 small pinch(es) LieblingsKren Horseradish, fresh
  • 0.5 tsp Sugar
  • For the dumplings
  • 125 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 200 g Quark 20 % fat
  • 2 Egg yolk(s)
  • 40 g LieblingsKren Horseradish, fresh
  • 100 g Flour, coarse grain
  • Salt and pepper
For the beetroot soup: fry the onion in oil until soft and douse with half of the vegetable stock.
Add the beetroot, vinegar and seasoning and continue to cook until soft. Blend smooth, season to taste with sugar and add the remaining stock.
Stir in the QimiQ Sauce Base and continue to cook until the required consistency has been achieved.
For the dumplings: whisk the unchilled QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Form small dumplings with the help of a teaspoon and place in light boiling salt water and allow to draw until light and fluffy.
Arrange the dumplings in the beetroot soup and serve immediately.