Caipirinha Gateau

Gateaux and Cakes

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Ingredients for 1 Cake tin Ø 22 cm
  • For the sponge base
  • 3 Egg(s)
  • 150 Sugar
  • 0.5 sachet(s) Vanilla sugar
  • pinch(es) Salt
  • 0.5 Lemon(s), juice and finely grated zest
  • Rum flavouring
  • 130 g Flour, plain
  • For the cream
  • 500 g QimiQ Classic
  • 10 tbsp Cane sugar
  • 250 g Low fat quark [cream cheese]
  • 4 Lime(s)
  • Cachaça / sugar cane rum
  • 125 ml Whipping cream 36 % fat, whipped
For the sponge base: separate the eggs. Whisk the egg yolks with half of the sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, lemon juice, lemon zest and rum aroma until fluffy.
Whisk the egg whites with the remaining sugar until fluffy.
Sieve the flour and fold into the egg yolk mixture alternately with the whisked egg whites.
Fill into a cake tin lined with baking paper and bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C (air circulation) for approx. 20 minutes.
For the cream: whisk the unchilled QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the sugar, quark, lime juice and lime zest and mix well. Refine with the Cachaça.
Fold in the whipped cream.
Spread the cream onto the sponge base and allow to chill for approx. 4 hours. Decorate with lime fillets if required.