Quail Wellington

Appetizer, Main Dishes, Side Dishes

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Ingredients for 4369 g
  • 500 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 500 g Mushrooms [button, morels, shiitake]
  • 200 g Onion(s), finely chopped
  • 25 g Garlic, finely chopped
  • 25 g Butter, unsalted
  • 396 g Truffle juice
  • 300 g White wine
  • 75 g Brandy
  • 1133 g Quail, boned
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 565 g Foie gras [goose liver] by Rougié, sliced
  • 1000 g Puff pastry
  • 150 g Whole egg(s)
Reconstitute the morels. Keep the liquid and strain through a coffee filter. Dice all the mushrooms finely.
Sauté the onions and garlic in the butter. Add the chopped mushrooms (not the shiitake caps) and simmer.
Add the morel juice, truffle juice, white wine and brandy and simmer until all the juice has evaporated.
Add the QimiQ Sauce Base and bring to the boil. Allow to chill.
Season the quail, sauté quickly on each side and allow to chill.
Quickly sauté the shiitake caps, season with the salt and pepper and set aside.
Quickly sauté the foie gras slices, season with the salt and pepper and set aside.
Fill the shiitake caps with the duxelle, top with the foie gras and fill into the quail.
Wrap the quail in the puff pastry, egg wash and chill.
Preheat the oven to 200° C. Bake the Quail Wellington until golden brown (core temperature 57° C).
Remove from the heat and serve immediately.