Orange and Advocaat Parfait on Pastry Brittles


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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • For the advocaat parfait
  • 500 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 300 ml Advocaat [Eggnog]
  • 250 ml Whipping cream 36 % fat
  • 160 g Sugar
  • 10 g Vanilla sugar
  • For the orange parfait
  • 500 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 300 g Peaches, tinned and drained, pureed
  • 1 Orange(s), juice and finely grated zest
  • 250 ml Whipping cream 36 % fat
  • 160 g Sugar
  • 10 g Vanilla sugar
  • For the pastry brittle
  • 2 package Fresh whole meal strudel [filo] pastry
  • 120 g Butter, melted
  • 160 g Powdered sugar
For the advocaat parfait: whisk the unchilled QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the advocaat and mix well.
Whisk the cream with the sugar and vanilla sugar until stiff and fold into the QimiQ mixture.
Line a baking tin with cling film and fill it with the parfait mixture. Allow to deep freeze for approx. 4 hours.
For the orange parfait: whisk the unchilled QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the peach puree, orange juice and orange zest and mix well.
Whisk the cream with the sugar and vanilla sugar until stiff and fold into the QimiQ mixture.
Line a baking tin with cling film and fill it with the parfait mixture. Allow to deep freeze for approx. 4 hours.

For the pastry brittle: roll the pastry out thinly and cut into circles. Spread one circle with melted butter and dust with icing sugar. Place a second pastry circle on top and again spread with melted butter and dust with icing sugar. Place on a baking sheet.

Repeat until 8 finished pastry circles have been created.


Bake the pastry circles at 170 °C for approx. 10 minutes.


Cut circles out of the advocaat and orange parfait. Place a circle of advocaat parfait onto one pastry brittle and place another sheet on top. Add a circle of orange parfait on top and follow with another sheet of pastry brittle. Finish with another advocaat parfait.

Decorate as required and serve immediately.

Tip: Decorate with chopped pistachios and raspberries.