Baked Lemon Gratin with Raspberries


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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • 250 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 320 g Sugar
  • 5 g Lemon peel, finely grated
  • 240 g Egg yolk(s)
  • 40 g Flour
  • 250 ml Lemon juice
  • 320 g Egg white(s)
  • 120 g Powdered sugar
  • To decorate
  • 400 g Raspberries

Whisk the sugar and lemon zest into the egg yolks. Add the flour and mix well.

Melt the QimiQ Sauce Base in a saucepan, add the lemon juice and egg mixture and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.

Whisk the egg whites and sugar until stiff. Whisk the cold QimiQ mixture smooth and fold into the stiff egg whites. Pour into moulds and freeze until solid.


Remove from the moulds and place in an oven proof dish. Sprinkle with icing sugar and bake in a hot oven at 200° C for approx. 12-15 minutes, or until the centre is soft and runny.


Serve immediately decorated with fresh raspberries.