Wholemeal Bread

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Ingredients for 2 Loaf tin(s)
  • 120 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 500 g Wheat flour Type 1050
  • 250 g Rye flour
  • 250 g Wheat grout
  • 85 g Linseeds
  • 170 g Sunflower seeds
  • 50 ml Maple syrup
  • 700 ml Water
  • 42 g Fresh yeast, = 1 cube
  • 1 tbsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Bread spices mixture
  • Butter, for the baking tin
  • Flour, for the baking tin
Preheat the oven to 170° C (fan assisted).
Whisk QimiQ Classic smooth.
Add all of the ingredients to the warm (30° C) water and mix well.
Pour the dough into the pre-prepared loaf tin, cover with a clean tea towel and allow to rise at room temperature for approx. 25 minutes.
Bake in the preheated oven for approx. 90 minutes.