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Ingredients for 0 x 0.5 litre iSi Gourmet Whip
  • 220 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 50 ml Milk
  • 1 g Salt
  • 50 g Powdered sugar
  • 3 Egg(s)
  • 180 g Flour
  • 1 g Baking powder

Mix all ingredients, fill into a iSi bottle, use one capsule and shake well.


1 EL Butter in einer Pfanne schmelzen lassen. Den Teig direkt in die Pfanne portionieren. Rosinen darüber streuen und bei mittlerer Hitze zugedeckt backen.


When the dough is gold brown flip and bake the second side until gold brown. Then rip the dough apart and let cool.