Polenta casserole on ratatouille (Thermomix®)

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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • For the polenta casserole
  • 250 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 80 g Parmesan
  • 450 g Water
  • Salt
  • Ground nutmeg, ground
  • 2 small pinch(es) Curry powder
  • Black pepper
  • 60 g Butter
  • 125 g Polenta [maize semolina]
  • 2 Egg(s)
  • Butter, for the baking tin
  • For the ratatouille
  • 250 g Eggplant
  • Salt
  • 250 g Courgette(s)
  • 200 Red onion(s), halved
  • 3 Garlic clove(s), halved
  • 350 g Sweet peppers, tricolour, in Stücken
  • 40 g Olive oil
  • 2 tsp Sugar
  • 3 tsp Kräuter der Provence, dried
  • 0.5 tsp Pepper, freshly ground
  • 40 g Tomato paste
  • 400 g Chunky tomatoes, canned
  • 1 bunch(es) Garden herbs, fresh, Blätter abgezupft

For the polenta casserole: Preheat oven to 180 °C (convection oven).


Place parmesan in the mixing bowl and grind for 10 sec / speed 10 and remove from mixing bowl. Rinse mixing bowl.


Place the water with the spices and butter in the mixing bowl and heat for 4 min/120 °C/ speed 1.5.


Add the polenta and cook for 2.5 minutes /120 °C/ level 1.5.


Add the QimiQ Cream Base, stir for 1 min/step 1.5 and meanwhile slowly add the two eggs.


Pour the polenta mixture into a greased pan and bake in a preheated oven for 25 minutes. Rinse mixing bowl.


For the ratatouille: cut the melanzani into 5 mm small cubes, place in a bowl and mix with salt. Zucchini cut into 5 mm small cubes and mix with the melanzani cubes.


Place the onions, garlic, peppers and olive oil in the mixing bowl, chop for 5 sec/step 4.5 and then steam for 5 min/120 °C/left-hand cycle/step 1. Transfer zucchini and melanzani cubes to the cooking insert, rinse under running water and drain.


Add sugar, herbs de Provence, salt, pepper, drained zucchini and melanzani cubes, tomato paste and chunky tomatoes. Instead of the measuring cup, place the cooking insert on the mixing bowl lid as a splash guard and cook for 10 minutes/flavoring/left-hand cycle/level 1. Meanwhile, coarsely chop herbs. Let the ratatouille simmer for about 10 minutes, then season to taste and serve with the polenta casserole sprinkled with chopped herbs.

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