Spring Tarts with Artichoke Mousse

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Ingredients for 12 portions
  • For the artichoke mousse
  • 200 g QimiQ Whip Pastry Cream, chilled
  • 100 g Onion(s), finely chopped
  • Butter
  • Sugar
  • 300 g Artichokes, diced
  • 40 ml Balsamic vinegar, white
  • Salt and pepper
  • 50 ml Clear vegetable stock
  • 12 Tartlets Ø 9 cm [26 g each]
  • For the rocket leaf pesto
  • 100 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 120 g Rocket salad
  • 100 ml Olive oil
  • 40 g Pine nuts, roasted
  • Lemon peel, finely grated
  • For the salad
  • 200 g Artichoke hearts, diced
  • 400 g Cherry tomatoes
  • 400 g Asparagus, cooked
  • 100 g Rocket salad
  • 12 small Egg(s), hard boiled
  • Balsamic vinegar, white
For the mousse, lightly caramelise the onion in butter and sugar. Add the artichoke and douse with vinegar. Season to taste with salt and pepper and allow to cool. Blend and strain through a fine sieve.
Lightly whip the cold QimiQ Whip, ensuring that the complete mixture is incorporated (especially from bottom and sides of bowl). Add the vegetable stock and continue to whip until the required volume has been achieved. Fold in the artichoke puree and season to taste with salt and pepper. Pipe into the tart cases and chill for at least 4 hours.

 Gemüsesuppe dazugeben und bis zum gewünschten Volumen aufschlagen.


Artischockenpüree beimengen und mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. In HUG Snack-Tartelettes füllen und mindestens 4 Stunden kühlen.

For the pesto, blanch the rocket leaf salad and rinse immediately in iced water. Add the remaining ingredients and blend.
Marinate the salad with vinegar and the pesto and serve with the artichoke tarts.