Carrot / Goat Cheese / Hazelnut

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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • For the Carrot Goat Cheese Mousse
  • 250 g QimiQ Whip Pastry Cream
  • 220 g Fresh goat cheese
  • 160 g Carrot puree
  • 5 g Salt
  • 1 g White pepper, ground
  • For the Hazelnut Crumble
  • 125 g Butter
  • 250 g Flour
  • 50 g Parmesan, grated
  • 80 g Hazelnuts, chopped
  • 5 g Thyme leaves, chopped
  • 20 g Egg yolk(s)
  • 5 g Salt
  • 1 g Black pepper, freshly ground

For the carrot and goat cheese mousse

1. Peel the carrots, cook until soft and puree.

2. Beat the cooled carrots together with the cream cheese and the QimiQ Whip Pastry Cream to the desired volume.

3. Arrange the carrots in loops and fill them with the QimiQ mixture. Refrigerate.


For the hazelnut crumble

1. Quickly knead all the ingredients into a dough.

2. Wrap the dough in cling film and allow to rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

3. Using a coarse grater or your fingers, pluck the dough into pieces onto a baking tray.

4. Bake at 175 °C for approx. 12 minutes until golden brown.


To serve

Arrange the hazelnut crumble on a plate with the filled carrot loops