
easy &quick

Mozzarella, Garlic and Ham Quiche

QimiQ Benefits

  • Quick and easy preparation
  • Fillings remain moist for longer
  • Enhances the natural taste of added ingredients
  • Problem-free reheating possible
  • Prevents moisture migration, pastry remains fresh and dry for longer





Mozzarella, Garlic and Ham Quiche
Mozzarella, Garlic and Ham Quiche


For 1 springform cake tin 26 cm Ø

  • For the pastry

  • 200g


  • 100g

    Butter, softened

  • 1


  • 25ml


  • Salt

  • For the filling

  • 250g

    QimiQ Classic, unchilled

  • 150g

    Ham, sliced

  • 300g

    Tomato(es), cored

  • 300g

    Mozzarella, sliced

  • 15g

    Garlic, finely sliced [émincé PF]

  • 50g

    Leek, finely shredded

  • Olive oil

  • 30g

    Corn flour / starch

  • 4


  • 5g

    Flat-leaf parsley, fresh

  • Salt and pepper

  • g

    Butter, for the baking tin


  1. Preheat the oven to 160 °C (conventional oven).
  2. For the pastry: knead the ingredients together to a smooth dough. Wrap in cling film and chill for approx. 30 minutes. Roll into a circle and use to line the greased spring form or quiche dish.
  3. Cover the base with ham and top with tomato and mozzarella slices. Season to taste. Fry the garlic and leek in oil and spread over the mozzarella.
  4. Whisk the unchilled QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the corn flour, eggs, parsley, salt and pepper and mix well. Pour over the leek mixture.
  5. Bake in the preheated oven for approx. 60 minutes and allow to cool for 20 minutes before serving.
Some doughy looking food

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