Strawberry Gazpacho with Avocado Crème Fraiche Foam

Appetizer, Side Dishes

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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • For the Avocado Crème Fraiche Foam
  • 150 g QimiQ Whip Pastry Cream
  • 10 g Spinach, pureed
  • 200 g Avocado(s)
  • 60 ml Lemon juice
  • 15 ml Olive oil extra virgin
  • 2 g Salt
  • 1 g White pepper
  • 100 g Crème fraîche
  • To garnish
  • 2 g Prosciutto crisps
  • For the strawberry gazpacho
  • 290 g QimiQ Classic
  • 1500 g Strawberries
  • 500 g Cucumber(s), peeled
  • 350 g Red onion(s)
  • 20 g Cilantro
  • 30 g Flat-leaf parsley
  • 15 g Jalapeno peppers
  • 80 g Red wine vinegar
  • 45 ml Lemon juice
  • 30 ml Olive oil extra virgin
  • 9 g Salt
  • 0.3 g Black pepper, ground
  • 15 g Garlic, squeezed
  • 2 g Basil, fresh
  • 0.85 g Hot sauce
  • To garnish
  • Coriander leaves
For the foam: burr mix the ingredients in a suitable vessel until smooth.
Pour into an iSi Gourmet Whip bottle, charge and chill vertically until needed.
For the prosciutto crisps: slice the prosciutto very thinly and place on a silicon mat. Cover with another silicon mat and top with 2-3 sheet pans. Cook at low temperature for several hours or until nice and crisp.
For the strawberry gazpacho: place the QimiQ Classic, 3/4 of the washed strawberries, 1/2 of the cucumbers, ½ of the onions, 1/4 of the cilantro and the parsley into a food processor and blend at high speed until pureed (for about 30 sec.).
Place the mixture into a suitable vessel, cover and chill.
Finely dice the rest of the ingredients. Mix with the pureed mixture, season and chill until needed for service.
Serve in a chilled bowl topped with the Avocado and Creme Fraiche Foam. Garnish with coriander leaves.