Chocolate Advocaat Mousse Gateau

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Ingredients for 12 portions, 26 cm Ø springform cake tin
  • Sponge Base
  • For the Advocaat mousse
  • 250 g QimiQ Classic Vanilla, unchilled
  • 100 ml Advocaat [Eggnog]
  • 150 ml Cream 36 % fat, whipped
  • For the chocolate mousse
  • 375 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 200 g Dark chocolate (40-60 % cocoa)
  • 30 g Sugar
  • 375 ml Cream 36 % fat, whipped
  • For the decorating cream
  • 125 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 200 ml Cream 36 % fat, whipped
  • 1 sachet(s) Vanilla sugar
  • To decorate
  • 125 ml Advocaat [Eggnog]
  • 1 tsp Cocoa powder
  • Butter, for the baking tin
  • Flour, for the baking tin
Slice the sponge base into 3 layers. Cut a narrow triangular wedge of sponge out of one base and use it to layer a shallow bowl (approx. 20 cm Ø), using a piece of the removed wedge to help it fit if necessary.
For the Advocaat mousse, whisk QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the Advocaat, mix well and carefully fold in the whipped cream. Pour into the sponge lined bowl and chill for approx. 1 hour.
Cover the base of the bowl with a second sponge base, tip over to place into a cake ring and remove the bowl.
For the chocolate mousse whisk QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the melted chocolate and sugar, mix well and fold in the whipped cream. Pour the chocolate mousse into the cake ring around the Advocaat mousse and cover with the third sponge base. Chill for at least 4 hours (preferably over night).
For the decorating cream, whisk QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the vanilla sugar and fold in the whipped cream. Spread a thin coat evenly over the cake and pipe with the remaining cream. Chill well.
To decorate, mix approx. 3 tablespoons of Advocaat with sifted cocoa powder. Pour into a freezer bag and seal well. Drizzle the remaining Advocaat over the gateau. Cut off one corner of the freezer bag and pipe circles of the dark Advocaat over the surface, and arrange decoratively with a wooden skewer.