Mediterranean Vegetable Terrine


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Ingredients for 6 portions
  • 250 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 50 g Yellow pepper(s)
  • 300 g Courgette(s), finely sliced [émincé PF]
  • 250 g Quark 20 % fat
  • Salt and pepper
  • Basil, finely chopped
  • 5 ml Lemon juice
  • 100 g Dried tomatoes, finely diced
  • 30 g Black olives, cored
  • 30 g Capers
Halve the peppers and remove the seeds. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C until brown. Allow to cool, peel and dice.
Line a terrine mould (lined with cling film) with a layer of thin courgette slices. Leave an overlap of courgette to cover the filling.
Whisk the unchilled QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the quark, seasoning, basil and lemon juice and mix well.
Alternately layer the quark mousse, dried tomato pieces, whole olives and capers and halved peppers in the terrine mould. Finish with a layer of mousse and cover with the courgette overlap.
Allow to chill for approx. 4 hours.