Japanese Torched Pudding

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Ingrédients pour 10 portions
  • For the caramel
  • 450 g Sucre
  • 240 ml Eau
  • For the cream
  • 300 g QimiQ Sauce Base
  • 700 ml Crème fouettée 36% de matière grasse
  • 150 g Jaune(s) d’œuf
  • 350 g Œuf(s) complet(s)
  • 200 g Sucre
  • For the cream cheese soufflé
  • 200 g QimiQ Sauce Base
  • 200 g Fromage frais
  • 100 g Jaune(s) d’œuf
  • 80 g Beurre, fondu
  • 50 g Miel
  • 1 Jus d’un citron, optionnel
  • 60 g Farine
  • 35 g
  • 160 g Blanc(s) d’œuf
  • 120 g Sucre

For the caramel: place the sugar and water in a saucepan and heat until the sugar is dissolved. Bring to the boil and cook until dark golden.


Place enough caramel into each greased ramekin or baking dish to cover the bottom. Allow to rest.


For the cream: heat the cream with the QimiQ Sauce Base and sugar until it just comes to the boil. Remove from the heat.


Blend the egg yolks and whole eggs until smooth. Add the milk mixture, blend and strain.


Pour the mixture into the prepared ramekins and allow to rest.


For the cream cheese soufflé: whisk the QimiQ Sauce Base with the cream cheese, egg yolk and melted butter until smooth. Mix in the honey and lemon juice (optional). Mix the flour and corn starch and quickly whisk into the mixture.


Whisk the egg whites with the sugar until stiff and fold into the mixture.


Top the cream with the cream cheese mixture and bake at 140 °C (air circulation) in a water bath for approx. 25-30 minutes.


Remove from the ramekins before serving.