Carne Asada Tacos with a Cilantro & Avocado Cream & Onion Parsley Slaw

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Ingrédients pour 12 portions
  • 48 EA 4” Corn Tortilla
  • Carne Asada
  • 2 LB Skirt Steak
  • 1 QT QimiQ Marinade
  • 1 cs
  • 1 cs Poivre noir, moulues
  • 8 EA Gousse(s) d’ail, haché
  • 0.5 EA oignon rouge, haché
  • 1 EA Piments Jalapeno
  • 0.25 tasse Coriandre
  • 1 cs Piment en poudre
  • 0.5 tasse
  • Cilantro & Avocado Cream
  • 0.5 tasse Coriandre
  • 0.5 EA Avocat(s), écrasé
  • 1 tasse Crème acidulée
  • 2 EA Limette(s),
  • 1 cc
  • 1 cc Poivre blanc
  • 0.25 cc Poivre de Cayenne
  • 1 cc Cumin
  • Onion & Parsley Slaw
  • 1 EA oignon rouge, Julienne
  • 2 bouquet(s) , haché
  • 0.5 tasse Mayonnaise, 40 % de matières grasses
  • 0.25 tasse QimiQ Base crème, remué jusqu’à ce que ça soit lisse
  • 0.25 tasse
  • 1 cs
  • 1 EA Limette(s),
  • 1 cc Piment en poudre
  • 1 cc
  • 1 cc Poivre blanc
  • Topping
  • 1 tasse Fromage Cotija, émietté
  • 2 tasse


1) Marinade the Skirt Steak overnight in the QimiQ Marinade.

2) With an immersion blender, combine Kosher Salt, Black Pepper, Garlic, Red Onion, Jalapeno, Cilantro, Chili Powder & Canola Oil – Mix to a paste.

3) Smear the Skirt Steak with the paste overnight.

4) Grill the Skirt Steak till desired internal temperature.

5) Slice thin.



1) Combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

2) Place in a squeeze bottle for best application.



1) Combine in a bowl Mayonaisse, Vinegar & Qimiq Classic – Mix thoroughly.

2) Add the Lime, Chili Powder, Hot Sauce, Kosher Salt & White Pepper – Mix Thoroughly.

3) Fold in the Red Onion & Parsley.



1) Warm the tortillas.

2) Use two tortillas to make each taco.

3) Evenly place the Carne Asada on each taco, add some on the Cilantro & Avocado Cream, add the Onion & Parsley Slaw then top with the Cotija Cheese & Fried Onions.