Pork Escalopes in a Cream Pepper Sauce

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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • 250 g QimiQ Sauce Base
  • 4 Beef escalopes, 160 g each
  • Salt and pepper
  • 3 tbsp Vegetable oil
  • 3 Onion(s), finely chopped
  • 1 tsp Tomato paste
  • 2 cl Brandy
  • 200 ml Beef stock
  • 1 tsp Green pepper corns in brine, drained
Preheat the oven to 160° F (convectional oven).
Season the beef with salt and pepper. Fry on both sides in the oil, remove from the pan and place in the preheated oven.
Fry the onion in the meat juice. Add the tomato paste and fry for a few minutes. Douse with the cognac and beef stock, add the pepper corns and bring to a boil.
Stir in the QimiQ Sauce Base.
Place the beef in the sauce until well heated and serve immediately.