Potato Espuma in the iSi Gourmet Whip with Wild Mushrooms in Madeira

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Ingredients for 1 x 2 pint [1 litre] iSi Gourmet Whip
  • 300 g QimiQ Classic
  • 100 ml Clear vegetable stock
  • 50 g Butter
  • Salt and pepper
  • Nutmeg, grated
  • 600 g Floury potato(es), cooked
  • White truffle oil
  • For the mushrooms
  • 50 g Butter
  • 300 g Wild mushrooms, chopped
  • 100 ml Madeira wine
  • Salt and pepper
  • Rosemary
Heat the QimiQ Classic, vegetable stock, butter and seasoning until completely melted. Add the potatoes, mix well and strain through a fine sieve.
Pour into a 1 litre Gourmet Whip bottle. Screw in two chargers and shake well. Place in a hot water bath to keep warm.
Shake well before serving and drizzle with truffle oil (optional).
For the mushrooms in Madeira wine, fry the mushrooms in the butter and douse with the wine.
Season to taste, reduce a little, and serve with the potato espuma.