Cream Cheese Pound Cake

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Ingredients for 1 Loaf pan(s)
  • 125 g QimiQ Classic, room temperature
  • 135 g Egg white(s)
  • 90 g Butter
  • 225 g Granulated sugar
  • 140 g Cream cheese
  • 3 g Salt
  • 170 g Cake flour
  • 6 g Baking powder
  • 7 g Vanilla extract
Pre-heat the oven to 275° F (conventional oven).
Whisk QimiQ Classic smooth and put to one side. Whisk the egg whites to medium peak.
Cream the butter and sugar together. Add the cream cheese and mix smooth.
Sift the flour and baking powder together. Add the salt, flour mix, vanilla and QimiQ Classic to the cream cheese mixture and mix well.
Carefully fold the stiff egg whites into the mixture.
Pour the mixture into a greased loaf pan (4 x 4 x 9 inches) and bake in the hot oven for approx. 60 minutes, or until the centre of the cake bounces back when touched.