
easy &quick

Rum and Coconut Truffles from Rudi and Karl Obauer

QimiQ Benefits

  • Quick and simple preparation
  • Longer shelf life without loss of quality





Rum and Coconut Truffles from Rudi and Karl Obauer
Rum and Coconut Truffles from Rudi and Karl Obauer


For 40 servings

  • 100g

    QimiQ Classic, room temperature

  • 100g

    Butter, softened

  • 100g

    Powdered sugar

  • 40g

    Vanilla sugar

  • 150g

    Orange chocolate

  • 100g

    Hazelnuts, grated

  • 150g

    Coconut flakes

  • 80ml



  1. Whisk the butter, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy.
  2. Whisk QimiQ Classic smooth.
  3. Melt the orange chocolate over a warm water bath. Add to the butter mixture with the QimiQ Classic.
  4. Dry fry the nuts in a non-stick frying pan (first the hazelnut, then the coconut). Put one third of the coconut to one side.
  5. Add the hazelnut, remaining coconut and rum to the butter mixture and mix well.
  6. Chill for approx. 4-5 hours until it is firm enough to form. Portion with a teaspoon, roll into small balls and coat with the remaining coconut.
  7. Chill over night.
Some doughy looking food

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