Tomatoes stuffed with Red Bell Pepper Puree from Rudolf and Karl Obauer

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Ingredients for 8 portions
  • 1.5 Sheet(s) of gelatine, 1.5 g each
  • 8 Tomato(es)
  • Salt
  • Tabasco sauce
  • Olive oil
  • 2 Red bell pepper(s)
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Grand Marnier
  • 250 g QimiQ Classic
  • 1 Orange(s)
  • 180 g Heavy cream 36 % fat
  • Garden herbs, fresh (optional)
  • Green onion(s) (optional)
  • For the salad
  • 1 Garden lettuce
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Sugar
  • Chives
Soak the gelatin in water. Remove the tomato stalks and skin the tomatoes in boiling water. Halve the tomatoes, scoop out the pips and strain to retrieve the juice. Add salt, tabasco and a large shot of olive oil to the tomato juice and blend smooth.
Chop the red bell pepper, place in a saucepan with a pinch of cayenne pepper and salt and enough water to cover the mixture. Cook until soft and drain off the liquid. Blend the bell peppers with enough drained liquid to acheive a creamy consistency.
Squeeze the gelatine and dissolve in the hot Grand Marnier. Mix 4.3 fl oz of the pepper mixture with the QimiQ Classic, Tabasco, 1/2 tbsp orange zest and dissolved gelatin.
Whisk the cream with a pinch of salt until stiff and fold into the pepper mixuture. Place the hollow tomato halves in a cup, fill with the cream and chill.
Pre-prepare the salad. Add a shot of balsamic vinegar, sugar and chopped chives to half of the tomato juice and mix well. Toss the salad in the tomato dressing.
Remove the tomato halves from the cups and arrange on a plate with the salad. Drizzle with the remaining tomato juice and serve sprinkled with chopped herbs.