German Buttercream

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Ingredients for 986 g
  • 270 g Milk
  • 30 g Corn starch
  • 100 g Egg yolk(s)
  • 100 g QimiQ Classic
  • 100 g Granulated sugar
  • 6 g Bourbon Vanilla Beans
  • 60 g Butter
  • 350 g Butter, softened
Whip half of the milk together with the cornstarch and egg yolks until smooth.
Place the remaining milk, QimiQ Classic, sugar, and vanilla in a pan and bring to a scald.
Add the cornstarch mixture and continue to cook to 170° F.
Add the 2.1 oz / 60 g of butter, burr mix until smooth and allow to cool completely.
Whip the cold cream until smooth, add the 12.3 oz / 350 g of soft butter and continue to whip fro approx. 10 minutes or until completely smooth.