Ebly Tender Wheat Fruit Strudel

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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • 100 g Ebly Tender Wheat
  • 250 g QimiQ Classic, room temperature
  • 250 g Quark 20 % fat
  • 1 packet Custard powder
  • 120 g Sugar
  • 5 g Lemon peel
  • 40 g Butter, melted
  • 2 pcs Egg(s), optional
  • 250 g Fresh fruit, as desired
  • 120 g Strudel or filo pastry
  • Zum Bestreichen:
  • 20 g Butter, melted
Cook the Ebly Tender Wheat in plenty of salt water until tender to the bite, drain and rinse with cold water. Put to one side.
For the filling, whisk QimiQ Classic smooth.
Add the quark, vanilla powder, Ebly Tender Wheat. sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon peel. Mix well and fold in the fruit.
Brush four sheets of strudel pastry with melted butter and place two sheets on top of each other twice.
Halve the filling and place one half onto each of the double pastry sheets and roll into a strudel. Brush with melted butter.
Bake in the hot oven at 390° F for approx 35 minutes.