White Chocolate Tropical Fruit Danish

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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • 2 sheet Puff pastry, frozen, thawed
  • 150 g QimiQ Classic, room temperature
  • 200 g Axelrod Cream Cheese, softened
  • 100 g El Rey White Chocolate, melted
  • 30 g Brown sugar
  • 200 g Perfect Purée Mango, thawed
  • 2 g Nielsen-Massey Bourbon Vanilla Paste
  • 120 g Whole egg(s)
  • 150 g Passion fruit, fresh
  • 40 g Das Beste vom Lande, Butter, melted
  • 2 g Cinnamon, freshly ground
Preheat the oven to 400° F/200° C.
Cut the puff pastry sheet lengthwise down the middle. Cut 2-inch diagonal strips along sides for braiding, set aside on parchment paper.
Whisk QimiQ Classic smooth, add the cream cheese, melted white chocolate, 3/4 of the brown sugar, mango puree, vanilla, and the eggs.
Spread the mixture in the center of the puff pastry. Pour a line of the passion fruit seeds down the center. Begin to fold pre cut strips alternating over each other.
Brush top with melted butter and sprinkle with remaining brown sugar and cinnamon. Bake for 25 minutes or until desired color is reached.