Peach Nougat Strudel

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Ingredients for 945 g
  • 150 g QimiQ Sauce Base
  • 100 g Valrhona Chocolate 70 % Cocoa
  • 60 g Nougat nut spread, e.g. Nutella®
  • 200 g Roasted almonds, ground
  • 20 g Cocoa powder
  • 125 g Powdered sugar
  • 40 g Egg yolk(s)
  • 2 sheets Filo pastry
  • 130 g Butter
  • 250 g Peaches, tinned and drained, large
  • 40 g Pistachios, finely grated
  • 30 g Butter, melted
Preheat the oven to 350° F/170° C.
In a double boiler or microwave melt the chocolate. Stir in Nutella, ground toasted almonds, cocoa and sugar.
Pour in QimiQ Sauce Base and egg yolks, mix until well incorporated.
Lay out first Filo sheet and brush with melted butter. Lay 2nd filo sheet on top, brush once more with melted butter and sprinkle with 3/4 of the grated pistachios.
Place nougat mass in center of Filo, top with peaches. Roll into shape of a log, tuck shorter sides of Filo in and underneath. Brush top with butter.
Place the strudel seam side down on a sheet pan lined with greased parchment paper. Sprinkle with pistachios and bake for 25 minutes or until desired color is reached.