Apricot and Marzipan Parfait with Pistachio Crumble Topping


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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • For the parfait
  • 250 g QimiQ Classic
  • 1 Egg(s)
  • 2 Egg yolk(s)
  • 1 Orange(s), juice and finely grated zest
  • 1 Lemon(s), juice only
  • 80 g White chocolate
  • 60 g Marzipan
  • 250 ml Whipping cream 36% fat
  • 180 g Apricots, pureed
  • For the crumble topping
  • 100 g Butter
  • 40 Sugar
  • 100 g Pistachios, ground
  • 160 g Wheat flour
For the parfait: beat the egg, egg yolks, orange zest, orange juice and lemon juice over a steam bath until the temperature reaches 136°F.
Melt the QimiQ Classic, white chocolate and marzipan together at low temperature and add to the egg mixture. Continue to whisk over a cold water bath until the mixture has cooled down.
Whip the cream until almost stiff and fold into the mixture.
Line a terrine mould with cling film. Pour half of the parfait mixture into the mould. With a spoon, drizzle some of the apricot puree over the parfait. Pour the remaining parfait mixture into the mould and finish with the apricot puree.
Freeze for approx. 4-6 hours.
For the crumble topping: whisk the butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the pistachios and flour and mix well.
Rub the dough with your fingertips onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 340 °F (air circulation) for approx. 4 minutes.
Tip the parfait out of the mould and coat with the pistachio crumble topping.