Sweet Pepper and Broccoli Cream Slices


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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • 2 package Danish pastry dough, fresh
  • For the broccoli cream
  • 375 g QimiQ Whip, chilled
  • 250 g Broccoli, cooked
  • 110 g Butter, melted
  • Salt
  • Black pepper, ground
  • Nutmeg, ground
  • 60 g Almonds, grated
  • For the sweet pepper cream
  • 375 g QimiQ Whip, chilled
  • 250 g Red bell peppers, tinned and drained, finely diced
  • 110 g Butter, melted
  • 2 g Paprika powder, smoked
  • Salt
  • Black pepper, ground
Roll out both packs of Danish pastry and cut into 3 lanes. Blind bake at 180 °C for approx. 10 minutes.
For the broccoli cream: mix the cold QimiQ Whip with the broccoli, spices and grated almonds until smooth. Fill the mixture into a mixing bowl and whisk until the required volume has been achieved. Slowly add the melted butter.
Place one sheet of the Danish pastry into a deep baking tin as a base. Spread the broccoli cream onto it and place the second sheet of Danish pastry on top. Allow to chill.
For the sweet pepper cream: mix the cold QimiQ Whip with the sweet pepper, pepper powder and spices smooth. Fill the mixture into a mixing bowl and whisk until the required volume has been achieved. Slowly add the melted butter.
Spread the sweet pepper cream onto the Danish pastry. Place the last sheet of Danish pastry on top and deep freeze.
Cut the frozen cream into slices, allow to defreeze slowly in the refrigerator and serve.