Limoncello Espuma

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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • For the Glacé
  • 150 g Sour cream 20 % fat
  • 20 g Powdered sugar
  • Pulp from 1 vanilla pod
  • 0.5 Lemon(s), squeezed
  • 50 g QimiQ Classic
  • For the Espuma
  • 400 g QimiQ Classic, room temperature
  • 150 ml Limoncello lemon liqueur
  • 100 ml Lemon juice
  • 125 g Sugar
  • 125 ml Water
  • 1000 g Strawberries
  • Powdered sugar
  • Lemon juice
  • Limoncello lemon liqueur
  • Green peppercorns
For the Glacé: add all the ingredients together and mix well. Pour into the Pacojet container and freeze at -18°C for approx. 24 hours. Pacotize.
For the espuma: whisk QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the Limoncello, lemonade, lemon juice and sugar syrup. MIx well and strain through a fine sieve. Pour into a 1 litre iSi bottle and screw in 2 chargers.
Chill for at least 4 hours. Shake well before use (head down).
Marinate the strawberries with the powdered sugar, lemon juice and Limoncello and divide equally into 10 dessert glasses. Arrange one ball of sour cream glacé on the strawberries, sprinkle with green pepper and top with the espuma.