Apple Cream Flambé


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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • 500 g QimiQ Classic, room temperature
  • 460 g Apple(s), peeled
  • 1 pinch(es) Vanilla sugar
  • 2 cl Calvados,
  • 30 g Sugar
  • 500 ml Whipping cream 36% fat
  • 8 Egg yolk(s)
  • 1 Vanilla pod(s), pulp only
  • Sugar, to caramelize
Preheat the oven to 248°F (air circulation).
Dice and steam the apple cubes. Add the Calvados, sugar and vanilla sugar and mix well. Divide the mixture into 2 and blend one half until smooth.
Whisk the unchilled QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the blended apple, cream, egg yolks, sugar and vanilla pulp and mix well. Fold in the remaining half of the apple mixture (unblended). Pour into small oven proof dishes.
Place the dishes into a large roasting tray. Add hot water until the level reaches half way up the side of the dishes.
Place the tray onto the centre shelf of the oven and bake for approx. 40-45 minutes.
Allow the cream to cool. Sprinkle with sugar and caramelize with a mini blow torch, or under a hot grill.
Decorate with diced apple if required and serve.