Skirt Steak with Korean Chili Sauce

Main Dishes

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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • 500 g QimiQ Sauce Base
  • 1 kg Beef steak
  • 1.5 litre(s) Beef stock
  • For the marinade
  • 125 ml Soy sauce
  • 35 ml Rice vinegar
  • 1.8 g Chives, dried, chopped
  • 30 g Brown sugar
  • 2.2 g Ginger powder
  • 17 ml Sesame seed oil, toasted
  • 15 g Rote Paprikaflocken
For the marinade: mix all the ingredients together well. Marinate the beef steaks for approx. 24 hours.
Pan fry the steaks and remove from the pan. Add the beef stock to the pan. Add the steaks and cook in the oven until soft.
Add the QimiQ Sauce Base and season to taste.