Three kinds of spreads: Radish Cress, Carrot Arugula and Herb Cream Cheese (Thermomix®)

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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • For the QimiQ Base Sauce
  • 375 g QimiQ Classic, room temperature
  • 750 g Cream cheese
  • For the radish and cress spread
  • 4 tbsp Kresse, Wurzeln abgeschnitten
  • 100 g Radishes
  • 375 g vorbereitete QimiQ Grundsauce
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • For the carrot arugula spread
  • 80 g Carrots, in pieces
  • 40 g Arugula, halved
  • 1 Garlic clove(s)
  • Salt
  • 375 g vorbereitete QimiQ Grundsauce
  • For the herb cream cheese spread
  • 1 Garlic clove(s)
  • 50 g Onion(s)
  • 40 g frische Kräuter, gemischt, z.B.: Petersilie, ohne Stiele
  • 375 g vorbereitete QimiQ Grundsauce
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 tsp
  • Pepper
  • For the homemade herb salt
  • 150 g grobes Salz
  • getrocknete Kräuter (z.B.: 2 TL Oregano, 2 TL Basilikum, 3 TL Petersilie, 1 TL Thymian, 1 TL Rosmarin)

For the QimiQ Base Sauce: Place the uncooled QimiQ Classic and cream cheese in the mixing bowl and mix for 20 sec./speed 6. Transfer to a bowl.


For the radish-cress spread: Place cress (reserve 1 tbsp. cress for garnish) and radishes in the mixing bowl. Chop for 3 seconds on speed 5. Add the QimiQ Base Sauce, salt and pepper and mix for 10 sec./speed 3. Garnish with the reserved cress. Rinse mixing bowl.


For the carrot and rocket spread: Place the carrots, rocket, garlic and salt in the mixing bowl, chop for 20 sec./speed 5 and push down with the spatula. Add the QimiQ Base Sauce, mix for 8 sec./speed 3 and season to taste. Transfer to a bowl. Rinse the mixing bowl.


For the herb cream cheese spread: Place the garlic, onion and herbs in the mixing bowl, chop for 5 sec./speed 8 and push down with the spatula. Add the QimiQ Base Sauce, 1 tbsp. olive oil, herb salt and pepper and mix for 12 sec./speed 3. Transfer to a bowl.


For the herb salt: Put everything in the mixing bowl and grind for 5 sec / speed 8. Fill into a screw-top jar and use as desired.