Bell Pepper Boats

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Ingredients for 6 portions
  • 1 Yellow bell pepper(s), cut into segments
  • 1 Red bell pepper(s), cut into segments
  • 1 Green bell pepper(s), cut into segments
  • Lettuce leaves
  • For the spread
  • 125 g QimiQ Classic, room temperature
  • 250 g Low fat quark [cream cheese]
  • 1 tbsp Mixed herbs, finely chopped
  • Salt and pepper
  • Caraway seed powder
  • Mustard
  • Garlic, finely chopped
For the spread, whisk QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and season to taste.
Pipe the spread onto the pepper ships. Pin a lettuce leaf as a sail, and a piece of mixed pepper as a flag onto toothpicks (see photo).