Monster Rolls

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Ingredients for 6 portions
  • 6 Wholemeal rolls
  • For the spread
  • 125 g QimiQ Classic, room temperature
  • 125 g Ham, finely diced
  • 40 g Emmenthal cheese, grated
  • 250 g Low fat quark [cream cheese]
  • 2 Pickled gherkins, finely chopped
  • 1 bunch(es) Chives, finely chopped
  • Salt and pepper
  • To decorate
  • Bell pepper(s)
  • Carrot(s)
  • Pickled gherkins
For the spread, whisk QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and season to taste.
Halve the rolls and spread evenly with the QimiQ spread.
Cut eyes, teeth, tounge and paws out of the vegetables and use to garnish the rolls (see recipe photo).