Warm Orange Honey Espuma in the iSi Gourmet Whip

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Ingredients for 1 x 2 pint [1 litre] iSi Gourmet Whip
  • 250 ml Orange juice
  • 100 g QimiQ Classic
  • 90 g Orange blossom honey
  • 90 g Butter
  • 1 g Lavender flowers
  • 1 Star aniseed
  • 60 g Egg yolk(s)
Bring the orange juice, QimiQ Classic, honey and butter to the boil. Add the lavender and aniseed and allow to draw for 5 minutes.
Stir in the egg yolks, bring to a boil and strain through a fine sieve.
Pour into a 1 litre Gourmet Whip bottle, screw in 1 charger and shake well.
Keep in a warm water bath and shake well before serving.