Cheddar Cones with Tomato Chutney

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Ingredients for 1 recipe
  • Tomato Chutney
  • For the cheddar cones
  • 344 g Cheddar cheese, very ripe
  • 172 g QimiQ Classic
  • 138 g QimiQ Sauce Base
  • 138 g Black olives, pureed
  • 2 g Curcuma, dried
  • To coat
  • 207 g Cheddar cheese, finely diced
For the cheddar cones, freeze the diced chedder cheese.
Place in a bowl cutter with the QimiQ Classic and QimiQ Sauce Base and blend to a smooth paste (do not cut for too long, to prevent the mixture from becoming too rubbery).
Add the curcuma and mix well.
Pour the cheese mixture into paper cones and fill the middle with black olive puree.
Freeze for a few minutes, remove the paper and roll the head in the finely diced cheddar cheese.
Assemble and garnish with deep fried tomato skin and wild asparagus.