Grilled Salmon Fillet on Salad and Green Gazpachosauce from Hans Peter Fink

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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • For the gazpacho sauce
  • 150 g Cucumber(s), coarsely chopped
  • 2 Green onion(s)
  • 3 tbsp Cilantro / coriander, coarsely chopped
  • 80 g Green bell pepper(s), coarsely chopped
  • 60 g QimiQ Classic
  • 1 small Garlic clove(s), crushed
  • 2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar, white
  • 1 drops Tabasco sauce
  • 4 tbsp Olive oil
  • For the salmon and ciabatta salad
  • 4 Salmon fillet(s) 100 g each, without skin
  • 4 Slices of ciabatta 1-1,5 cm thick
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Black pepper, freshly ground
  • 100 g Arugula [Rocket leaf]
  • 250 g Cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 Avocado(s), diced
For the Gazpacho sauce: blend the QimiQ Classic, onions, coriander, peppers , garlic, vinegar and tabasco until smooth. Season piquant and chill.
Preheat the grill to 445-540° F.
Brush both sides of fish fillets and ciabatta slices with oil. Season the fish fillets with salt and pepper.
Clean the grill grate with a brush. Place the fish, flesh-side down, on hot grill and cook over direct heat with the closed lid for 6-8 minutes, turning once, or until fried on both sides. During remaining 30-60 seconds roast the ciabatta slices until toasted on both sides. Remove the fish and ciabatta from the grill.
Cut the salmon fillet and ciabatta bread into cubes. Pour the Gazpacho sauce into 4 soup plates. Arrange the rocket leaf salad, tomato halves and avocado on sauce, top with salmon and bread cubes. Drizzle with olive oil and serve. Tipp: Instead of salmon you can also use the trout or char fillets. I usually use the Weber vegetable basket to grill the fish, this prevents the fish from sticking. You can also grill the fish on cedar planks.