Chick Cupcakes

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Ingredients for 12 servings
  • For the cupcakes
  • 75 g Butter
  • 125 g Sugar
  • pinch(es) Salt
  • 1 sachet(s) Vanilla sugar
  • 2 Egg yolk(s)
  • 125 g QimiQ Classic, melted
  • 2 Egg white(s)
  • 175 g Wheat flour
  • 1 tsp Baking powder
  • For the cream
  • 250 g QimiQ Classic, unchilled
  • 100 g Coconut milk
  • 60 g Sugar
  • 20 g Coconut flakes
  • 250 g Cream 36 % fat, whipped
  • To decorate
  • 12 ea Almonds
  • Chocolate Beans
  • 6 ea Strawberries
Pre-heat the oven to 180° C (conventional oven).
For the cupcakes, whisk the butter, sugar, salt and vanilla sugar until fluffy. Add the egg yolks individually and mix well. Stir in the melted QimiQ Classic.
Whisk the egg whites until stiff.
Mix the flour and baking powder together and sift into the butter mixture. Add the stiff egg whites and carefully mix everything together.
Place paper cases into a muffin form and spoon approx. 1 tablespoon of mixture into each case. Bake in the hot oven for approx. 20 minutes.
For the cream, whisk QimiQ Classic smooth. Add the coconut milk, sugar and dessicated coconut and mix well. Fold in the whipped cream. Chill for at least 4 hours, preferably over night.
Scoop balls out of the cream with the help of an ice cream scoop (approx. 5 cm Ø), and position on the cupcakes. Sprinkle with dessicated coconut.
Use unpeeled almonds as beaks and chocolate beans as eyes. Cut crests out of strawberries and place on the head (use the photos as guides).