Salmon Fillet in Thyme and Chervil Sauce

Main Dishes, Sauces

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Ingredients for 10 portions
  • 500 g QimiQ Cream Base
  • 120 g Onion(s), finely sliced
  • 120 g Butter
  • 125 ml White wine
  • 6 cl Noilly Prat/Vermouth dry
  • 340 ml Fish stock
  • Salt
  • Black pepper, freshly ground
  • 4 tsp Chervil, chopped
  • 2 tsp Citrus thyme
  • 1600 g Salmon fillet
  • Salt
  • Black pepper, freshly ground
  • Olive oil
For the sauce: saute the onions in 40 g butter. Douse with the white wine and Noilly Prat. Add the fish stock, season and simmer until reduced.
Add the QimiQ Cream Base and finish with the remaining butter. Add the fresh herbs just before serving.
Season the salmon fillet and fry in the hot olive oil skin-side down. When the fish is cooked halfway through, turn it over and remove the pan from the heat to allow the fish to rest briefly.
Serve with the sauce.