Rabbit Fillet on Baked Apples in Mulled Wine

Main Dishes

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Ingredients for 4 portions
  • For the baked apple
  • 250 g Apple(s), sour, sliced
  • 20 g Butter
  • 5 g Sugar
  • 250 ml Mulled wine
  • For the rabbit
  • 600 g Rabbit fillet
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 20 ml Peanut oil
  • For the sauce
  • 125 g QimiQ Classic, chilled
  • 375 ml Gravy
  • 2 cl Calvados
For the apples: fry the apple slices and sugar in the butter. Douse with the mulled wine and allow to draw for 1 minute. Remove the apples from the pan and reduce the mulled wine by two thirds. Brush the apple slices with the reduced mulled wine.
Season the rabbit. Fry in oil, remove from pan and keep warm.
Using the same pan, drain off the oil. Douse with the remaining mulled wine stock. Add the gravy and finish with the cold QimiQ Classic and Calvados.
Slice the rabbit fillets and arrange on the apple slices. Sprinkle with the sauce and serve.